All-in-one Digital Faith Planner in soft tones for clean, aesthetic journaling. Includes 2 Planners: Sunday start and Monday start.
A few reasons why you will absolutely love this planner:
- A fully-intuitive life planner – centered around FAITH reflection and journaling.
- Undated – use year after year
- Intuitively HYPERLINKED (clickable!) throughout for quick & easy navigation
- Over 20 planners in one
- S.O.A.P, Sermon Notes, Faith Journaling, Tithing Log, and more
- The entire Bible linked for convenience – both Old Testament and New Testament
- All sorts of wellness trackers for living your best life
- Yearly, monthly, weekly & daily planning pages to include as much detail as you like
- 12 Intricate & beautifully rendered coloring pages
- Individual Monday & Sunday start planners
- Optimized, NO-LAG scrolling
- 4 Note pages
- 375 Stickers
- 14 Covers
and much more.